Bereavement Counselling for Children and Adolescents
Dealing with grief because of the death of a loved one is never easy. It can be life changing and can go on for many years. Everyone will have their own way of coping but for children and teenagers and their families the loss of a parent, sibling, grandparent, or friend some extra support in dealing with the bereavement may be helpful.
If you feel that it your child is suffering or would benefit from bereavement or grief counselling our paediatric team will be able to help you.
Call us on 0333 3390115 and we will be able to arrange for you and your child to meet with one of our counselling team.
Warning signs that grief is becoming problematic
Grief or bereavement occurs over time, but prolonged grief can lead to serious problems. Although each of the signs may be part of the grieving process it is the intensity, time and associated responses that are more disrupted to everyday life and routines and cause health problems.
- Not accepting the loss has occurred over a prolonged period
- Minimal or lack of any emotional response regarding the loss
- Extreme reactions of grief, usually anger or guilt that persist over time
- Gradual or marked change in physical health
- Long or severe bouts of depression with tension, insomnia, agitation and feelings of self-blame or worthlessness
- Over activity without a sense of loss
Clinical Partners support and Bereavement Counselling for Children
If you are seeking help for your child or teenager, we have an experienced team of counsellors and family therapists who will be able to help you.
We also have a team of Psychologists and Educational Psychologists if additional support is required especially if it has had a negative impact on your child's learning and development or you need support to work with the school in supporting your child.