Depression in Children and Adolescents

Children and teenagers often experience a wide range of emotions and go through ups and downs. It's important to understand that depression is different from regular sadness. It is a serious mental health condition that requires professional support and treatment. Fortunately, there are various options available, such as medication and talking therapy, that you and your child can explore.
Childhood depression:
Children who experience a depressive episode are likely to have another episode within five years. They are also more prone to developing depression and other mental health conditions later in life. In fact, about 40% of depressed children also struggle with conditions like ADHD and behavioral problems.
What should I do if I suspect my child or teenager is depressed?
It can be challenging for parents to determine if their child is experiencing depression, as it may be mistaken for a normal part of their personality or the process of growing up. Sometimes, parents hesitate to seek help because they're unsure if there's a problem or worry about making unnecessary fuss. However, based on our experience, if you suspect something might be wrong, it's worth seeking help. Parental instincts often prove to be correct.
Causes of depression in children and teenagers:
There are several factors that can contribute to depression in children and teenagers:
- Genetic vulnerability: Research indicates that children with parents who have depression are three times more likely to develop depression themselves, suggesting a genetic link.
- Stressful and traumatic life events: Traumatic experiences can leave a lasting impact on children. If a child has been through a traumatic event, their ability to cope with complex emotions may be affected, leading to depression.
- Neurobiological factors: Studies show that abnormal levels of hormones, such as cortisol (the stress hormone), can contribute to childhood depression. Additionally, certain brain areas involved in emotional regulation may differ in size among some children, potentially increasing their risk of depression (this has been associated with maternal depression).
- Environmental factors: Events like a family death, divorce, school pressures, or social difficulties can trigger depression. Not all children will be affected in the same way by these events, and it's not uncommon for only one sibling to develop depression following a stressful family event. Each child is unique and copes with stress differently.
Treatment can be effective:
The brains of children are highly adaptable, a concept known as neuroplasticity. This is great news for the treatment of depression because with early intervention and appropriate treatment, your child can recover and lead a happy and fulfilling life. Seeking help early on makes a significant difference.
Depression in Children - Signs:
Detecting depression in young children can be challenging. Children go through daily emotional fluctuations, experiencing excitement, disappointment, and frustration. Due to a lack of communication skills, tiredness, or feeling overwhelmed, young children's behavior may frequently fluctuate. However, it's crucial to understand that depression is distinct from "normal" sadness. It is a serious illness that benefits greatly from professional assistance.
Common signs of depression in young children include:
- Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities
- Difficulties socializing, displaying clinginess, or withdrawing socially
- Frequent sadness and crying
- Drastic mood swings, with angry or hysterical outbursts over minor things
- Regression to earlier stages of development, such as returning to previous toilet training habits
- Disagreeable and defiant behavior
- Complaints of physical pain or discomfort
- Whining and unhappiness most of the time
- Engaging in scenarios involving violence or death
It's important to note that even happy children can display some of these signs occasionally. After all, part of growing up involves pushing boundaries and experiencing a wide range of emotions, which is normal.
Early diagnosis is crucial in the treatment of depression in children and teenagers. Research has shown that accessing treatment early significantly improves a child's chances of not experiencing further problems later in life. With early intervention and the right treatment, your child can recover and lead a happy, fulfilling life.
If you suspect that your child or teenager is experiencing depression, it is important to take action. Look out for the signs mentioned above, such as loss of interest in activities, social withdrawal, mood swings, physical complaints, and emotional changes. If these symptoms persist for two weeks or more in different settings and with different people, it may be helpful to seek professional help.
When it comes to teenagers, it can be challenging to differentiate between normal moodiness and depression. However, parents' instincts are often accurate, so if you notice signs such as issues at school, social withdrawal, physical complaints, or emotional changes in your teenager, it may be beneficial to seek professional help.
When seeking help, it is recommended to talk to your child or teenager about how they are feeling and show them that you care. It may be difficult for them to open up, so create a supportive and non-judgmental environment. Additionally, it is important to seek help from a professional specifically trained in child mental health, such as a child and adolescent psychiatrist. An assessment with a psychiatrist can help determine the problem and provide guidance on treatment options.
Early diagnosis offers several benefits, including reducing the likelihood of future problems and improving long-term outcomes. Treatment options for depression in children and teenagers may include counseling, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychotherapy, and, in some cases, medication. Support for the whole family, including family therapy and parenting support, can also be valuable in creating a positive and healthy environment.
Depression often co-occurs with anxiety in children and teenagers. Understanding the relationship between anxiety and depression is important, as both conditions can influence and exacerbate each other. Treatment may involve addressing both anxiety and depression to achieve the best outcomes.
When choosing a therapist for your child, it is recommended to have a phone call with a qualified professional to discuss your child's needs and find the right fit. The assessment process will involve evaluating your child's symptoms, providing a diagnosis if applicable, and offering treatment recommendations. Depending on the situation, further treatment such as counseling, CBT, psychotherapy, or medication may be recommended.
Remember, reaching out for help and support is a crucial step in helping your child or teenager overcome depression. By taking early action and accessing appropriate treatment, you can significantly improve their well-being and future prospects.
To learn more about the different services we offer for children, please click on the links below:
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry:
Child and Adolescent Psychology:
Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy:
Autism in children and adolescents:
Autism assessments for children and young people:
ADHD in Children and Adolescents:
Behavioral issues in Children and Adolescents:
Self harm in Children and Adolescents:
Depression in Children and Adolescents:
Information for Parents:
Information for Schools:
Information for Healthcare Professionals:
Please contact our team for a free consultation.