Order a Repeat Prescription
You can request a repeat prescription easily through our website. Prescriptions are charged at a standard rate. If you’d like to book a follow-up appointment, please use our booking page d your prescription will be included in the appointment cost.
Please use the button below to pay for your prescription. We accept all major credit and debit cards. After payment, you will be redirected to a form to request your repeat prescription.
Receiving your prescription
Our delivery partner strives to ensure you receive your prescription as quickly as possible, when you place an order for a repeat prescription, you will have the option to either have the prescription delivered to a pharmacy of your choice or to use a pharmacy delivery service. Please indicate your preference when filling out the form.
Please allow 5-7 working days from receipt of your request at the surgery for the prescription to be issued.
There may be extra charges by the pharmacy please enquire this from your pharmacy.
Correspondence Address: 2 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PA